Solving Business Challenges

Friction Drive Conveyor

A Friction Drive Conveyor (or System) is one that obtains thrust from frictional reaction force by pressing drive wheels to each load bar to transport the carrier.  This is an alternate solution to a power & free chain conveyor system. They are quieter and cleaner systems with a smooth, continuous flow.   They are easy to maintain and reduce energy consumption. 

Assist conveyors can be used to convey the carrier where friction drives are not practical such as process booths, ovens, production areas, etc. The friction drive conveyor is suggested for use for long distances and are typically more cost effective than using chain conveyors throughout the system. 

Inverted friction systems are typically utilized for production assembly/process operations (i.e. - body shop and paint shop process/delivery conveyors) where access to the side and top portion of the job is required. Overhead friction systems are typically utilized for production assembly/process operations where access to the bottom portion of the job is required.

Contact Us

Central Conveyor Company
52800 Pontiac Trail
Wixom, MI 48393
Phone - 248.446.0118
Fax - 248.446.1550
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